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Inkjet Printing Development Forecast
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Inkjet Printing Development Forecast

Compared to electrostatic printing, the principle is simpler, and the use of non-contact inkjet printing equipment represents the future direction of digital printing.
(1) In terms of development potential, electrostatic printing equipment has largely matured, while inkjet printing equipment is developing rapidly and is clearly superior.
(2) From a cost perspective, inkjet printing uses fewer consumables, consumes less, prints faster and is cheaper.
(3) From the environmental point of view, inkjet printing technology uses water-based or UV ink than electrostatic printing equipment more green.
From the substrate point of view, inkjet printing technology is also more widely used. Despite the advantages of inkjet printing technology, it is still not possible to say that it will replace electrostatic printing technology. Whether it is electrostatic, or inkjet printing technology, will become the mainstay of the digital printing industry, playing an important role in the future of the printing industry.
In the 21st century, with the development of information communication technology to multimedia, cross-media direction, printing technology is also developing rapidly, information technology will be integrated with printing, becoming an important medium for the dissemination of information. Variable and personalized content, on-demand, fast, and easy to transmit remotely will become the main features of the printing and publishing industry.